Dr. Andrea Landis, Co-Principal
Phone: 570-649-5138 x3001
email: alandis@wrsd.org
Mr. Casey Magargle, Co-Principal
Phone: 570-649-5138 x3000
email: cmagargle@wrsd.org
Mr. Greg Watson, Athletic Director & School Police
Phone: 570-649-5138 x3004
email: gwatson@wrsd.org
Mrs. Michelle Thomas, Administrative Assistant to the Principals
Phone: 570-649-5138 x3002
email: mthomas@wrsd.org
Mrs. Tena Lobos, Activities/Attendance/Athletics Secretary
Phone: 570-649-5138 x3003
email: tlobos@wrsd.org
Mrs. Tricia Shaffer, Counseling Department Secretary
Phone: 570-649-5138 x
email: tshaffer@wrsd.org